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Content Subscription App Cost Estimate

What is a content subscription app?

A content subscription application is a web, mobile, or desktop application that allows users to access streaming media. Content subscription applications usually include support for creating personal playlists and saving favorite shows. Content subscription apps resemble other media consumption apps like online video apps, streaming music apps, and podcasting apps. Some popular content subscription applications include Netflix, Hulu, Audible, and Spotify. Examples of content subscription apps built with Crowdbotics:

What is the typical cost to build a content subscription app?

A content subscription app usually costs about $35,000 to build. However, the total cost can be as low as $30,000 or as high as $40,000. A content subscription app with a low number of features (also known as a minimum viable product, or MVP) will be more affordable than an app that includes all intended functionality. For example, here are some previous content subscription app price quotes from Crowdbotics:

How long does it take to build a content subscription app?

A content subscription app usually takes 467 hours to build. However, a content subscription app can be built in as few as 400 hours, or in as many as 533 hours. The exact timeline mostly depends on how complicated your specific app is. As a general rule, it will take longer if you require highly custom designs, niche features, complex logic, or non-standard release platforms. For example, some previous content subscription apps build with Crowdbotics received the following hourly estimates:

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How to successfully grow your content subscription application

A content subscription app requires a significant investment of time and resources in order to launch. To be successful, a content subscription app must have a large user base in order to provide value to each individual user. These apps should offer a sample of the service for free while still demonstrating its usefulness, then later require the user to pay for the full service. The drawback of this strategy is that it’s more difficult to acquire users in the early stages before they’ve had a chance to experience the full value proposition.

Risks and challenges of building a content subscription application

A content subscription app faces many of the same legal and compliance challenges as a ridesharing app. You will want to conduct extensive legal research into the regulatory requirements for operating a subscription-based business in your market, and you will want to ensure that you have payment processing mechanisms in place to ensure that you can comply with all applicable laws. You should also consider how you will protect your users’ information and personal data from unauthorized access. It is recommended that you conduct regular security audits to detect unauthorized API calls or access to sensitive information.