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We are on a mission to radically transform the software development lifecycle.

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Your payment was successful. Schedule your scoping call below before leaving this page.

What To Do Right Now:

1. Schedule your scoping call: use this page’s “Click to Schedule” button.

2. Come to the call with the following information (It’s OK if you don’t know all of this, or have already sent it over):

  • High-level goals for your MVP/build
  • Info about any existing code or tech stack (fine if there’s none yet)
  • Wireframes or UX sketches
  • Timeline, deadlines
  • Examples of similar apps or products you want to emulate

3. Connect your Github account if you have one

Of course, we’re always available for you each step of the way, and you will be kept updated on the team’s progress through each build phase.

Schedule Your Scoping CAll Here