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Game App Cost Estimate

What is a game app?

A game application is a web, mobile, or desktop application that enables users to play games. Game apps are usually aimed at younger and more casual gamers, but some game apps are designed for people of all ages. Game app developers may differentiate their applications by creating new game genres or unique gameplay mechanics. Game apps are similar to other entertainment apps like video streaming apps, music streaming apps, and movie streaming apps. The most popular game apps today are Clash Royale, Candy Crush Saga, Pokémon Go, and Grand Theft Auto V. Some additional app categories that deserve a mention here: App type: education app Education apps are also similar to productivity apps and business tools. Some examples of education apps Examples of game apps built with Crowdbotics:

What is the typical cost to build a game app?

A game app usually costs about $37,500 to build. However, the total cost can be as low as $25,000 or as high as $50,000. A game app with a low number of features (also known as a minimum viable product, or MVP) will be more affordable than an app that includes all intended functionality. For example, here are some previous game app price quotes from Crowdbotics:

How long does it take to build a game app?

A game app usually takes 583 hours to build. However, a game app can be built in as few as 267 hours, or in as many as 1067 hours. The exact timeline mostly depends on how complicated your specific app is. As a general rule, it will take longer if you require highly custom designs, niche features, complex logic, or non-standard release platforms. For example, some previous game apps build with Crowdbotics received the following hourly estimates:

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Crowdbotics has quoted and built hundreds of applications for teams of all sizes. Browse our historical estimates by industry and app type to understand possible costs and considerations.

How to successfully grow your game application

A game app can grow by providing users with a fun, interactive experience that they are willing to share with their friends and family. Game apps should also have the ability to continuously introduce new levels and challenges as the user progresses through the game. It’s also important for game apps to provide tools like built-in chat rooms and social media integration so that users can easily share their experiences with each other.

Risks and challenges of building a game application

Game apps often face legal and reputational risks associated with inappropriate use of in-app purchases, challenges to intellectual property rights, and game cheating. Game developers should ascertain that in-app purchases are restricted to non-essential items (especially if your app is free) to avoid consumer backlash against excessive monetization. It is also important to proactively police your app store for reports of cheaters so that you can develop countermeasures. Finally, game developers should take care to avoid the appearance of copying core gameplay mechanics from other popular games.