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How To Use Dynamic Subdomains In Django

You should really consider serving each entity on a separate domain or subdomain. Why? Because…

6 October 2021

by Kalpit Jain

How to Handle Multiple (and Dynamic) Domains/Subdomains with Single Django App

If you use a single Django app for admin panel — API back-end, user facing front-end, etc. — you probably use URL schemes like for the admin panel and for the API back-end, or something similar.

You should really consider serving each entity on a separate domain or subdomain. Why? Because…

a) Having all entities on a single domain is a security issue.

“Splitting the interfaces over two hostnames—or indeed two port numbers  or protocols (HTTP/HTTPS)—would give you two different JavaScript  origins. This prevents any cross-site-scripting (XSS) attacks that are  accessible on one site from automatically infecting into the other site…” – Answer by bobince on StackExchange

b) Makes it easier to implement separate authentication backend, essentially keeping users with admin access away from those without admin access.

c) Makes use of dynamic domain/subdomains possible.

d) Makes it possible to serve each domain/subdomain from a different server. For example, you can point []( to a high performance server for general users, and to a cheaper one as it’s usually used by a handful of users.

e) It looks neat! ¯_(ツ)_/¯

We’ll learn two things by the end of this tutorial:

  1. How to serve admin panel, API back-end, and user-facing front-end on different subdomains.
  2. How to serve a single Django app on multiple (and dynamic) domains or subdomains.


  1. At least some experience with Django development.
  2. A Django app with some URLs configured for at least two of: admin panel, APIs, or user-facing front-end.
  3. Subdomains or domains configured in virtual hosts.

NB: I’ve used Django v2.1, django-hosts v3.0, and Django REST Framework v3.8 for this tutorial.

How to Serve Admin Panel, API, and Front-end on Different Sub-domains

In this section we’ll configure our Django app to serve admin panel on, APIs on, and user-facing front-end on [](

To make our task easier we’ll be using an amazing library by jazzband, django-hosts. Once you’ve installed django-hosts (pip install django-hosts), follow the steps below to configure it.

  1. Add django_hosts to INSTALLED_APPS in
  2. Add django_hosts.middleware.HostsRequestMiddleware at the beginning of MIDDLEWARE or MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in
  3. Add django_hosts.middleware.HostsResponseMiddleware at the end of MIDDLEWARE or MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in
  4. Create a file in your app. Leave it blank for now, we’ll add content in it later.
  5. Add ROOT_HOSTCONF setting in to declare path to file you just created in previous step. eg. ROOT_HOSTCONF = 'myapp.hosts'

Next, we need to add required content in file. Until now, you were probably putting all URL configurations in a single file. To serve each entity on different subdomains or domains, we need to create separate files similar to for each set of routes.

For example, I’ll be creating 3 files. Namely, for admin panel URL configurations, for user-facing front-end, and for API back-end.

The structure of each file will be similar, only difference is that will only contain paths to admin panel routes, will contain paths to only API URLs, and so on. Let’s quickly do that. Your files will look similar to the following:

from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [path('', include('polls.api.urls')),]
from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [path('', include('polls.urls')),]
from django.contrib import adminfrom django.urls import path
urlpatterns = [path('',,]

Once this is done, let’s quickly configure to serve each set of URLs on separate subdomains.

from django.conf import settingsfrom django_hosts import patterns, host
host_patterns = patterns('',host(r'www', 'subdomains_tutorial.frontend_urls', name='www'),host(r'admin', settings.ROOT_URLCONF, name='admin'),host(r'api', 'subdomains_tutorial.api_urls', name='api'),)

You might also need to define DEFAULT_HOST in

That’s it! Now you will be able to access each subdomain, and each of them will do its job only. Neat, right?

You should also consider adding django_hosts.templatetags.hosts_override to TEMPLATES['OPTIONS']['builtins'] in to override default url template tag with template tag bundled with django-hosts to handle subdomains.

I’ve created a sample project with subdomains support. It’s available on GitHub:

What if your requirements are more complex than what django-hosts provide? Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered.

                                                            .    .    .

How to Serve a Single Django App on Multiple (and Dynamic) Domains/Subdomains

In one of my previous projects, the client wanted to develop an app in Django that could also be sold as a white-labelled service.

From a development point of view, this requires a single Django app which can run on multiple, dynamically created, domains or subdomains. It should also be able to filter content and handle permissions based on the domain from which it is accessed.

Unfortunately, django-hosts can’t be used as it required hardcoded configuration, and it only supports subdomains. So, I created a custom solution.

Let’s start with a fresh Django app, and create an app named domains using the command python startapp domains. Don’t forget to add it in INSTALLED_APPS in Create a model in this app’s file as below.

from django.db import models
class Domain(models.Model):domain = models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True)name = models.CharField(max_length=128)
**def** __str__(self):  
    **return** self.domain

We’ll be using this model to create domains dynamically. You can simply create a domain in admin panel and a new website will be functional on using the existing codebase and database.

Of course, you will need to configure the domain in virtual hosts. The configuration for the same will vary depending upon the server software you’re using.

Now that you’ve created the Domain model, let’s add it to Django Admin quickly.

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Domain
class DomainAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):fields = ('domain', 'name')ordering = ('domain',), DomainAdmin)

Creating django-admin Command to Create Domain from Command Line:

Since we’re binding the app to specific domains, including the default one, the app might not be accessible if there are no domains added in the database. To tackle this situation, having a django-admin command is very handy.

To do so, create a python package named management in domains app. Create a regular directory named commands inside it. In commands directory create a file, and add the following code in it. I’ll explain it below.

import sys
from django.core import exceptionsfrom import BaseCommand, CommandErrorfrom django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIASfrom django.utils.text import capfirst
from domains.models import Domain
class NotRunningInTTYException(Exception):**pass
class Command(BaseCommand):help = 'Used to create a domain.' requires_migrations_checks = True stealth_options = ('stdin',)
**def** __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)  
    self.DomainModel = Domain  
    self.domain_field = self.DomainModel._meta.get_field(**'domain'**)  
    self.name_field = self.DomainModel._meta.get_field(**'name'**)

**def** add_arguments(self, parser):  
        **'--%s'** % **'domain'**,  
        dest=**'domain'**, default=**None**,  
        help=**'Specifies the domain.'**,  
        **'--database'**, action=**'store'**, dest=**'database'**,  
        help=**'Specifies the database to use. Default is "default".'**,  
        **'--%s'** % **'name'**, dest=**'name'**, default=**None**,  
        help=**'Specifies the name'**,  

**def** execute(self, *args, **options):  
    self.stdin = options.get(**'stdin'**, sys.stdin)  _# Used for testing_ **return** super().execute(*args, **options)

**def** handle(self, *args, **options):  
    domain = options[**'domain'**]  
    name = options[**'name'**]  
    database = options[**'database'**]

    verbose_domain_field_name = self.domain_field.verbose_name  
    verbose_name_field_name = self.name_field.verbose_name

    _# Enclose this whole thing in a try/except to catch  
    # KeyboardInterrupt and exit gracefully._ **try**:

        **if** hasattr(self.stdin, **'isatty'**) **and not** self.stdin.isatty():  
            **raise** NotRunningInTTYException(**"Not running in a TTY"**)

        **while** domain **is None**:  
            input_msg = **'%s: '** % capfirst(verbose_domain_field_name)  
            domain = self.get_input_data(self.domain_field, input_msg)  
            **if not** domain:  
            if** self.domain_field.unique:  
                **except** self.DomainModel.DoesNotExist:  
                    self.stderr.write(**"Error: That %s is already in use."** % verbose_domain_field_name)  
                    domain = **None**
if not domain:raise CommandError('%s cannot be blank.' % capfirst(verbose_domain_field_name))
**while** name **is None**:  
            input_msg = **'%s: '** % capfirst(verbose_name_field_name)  
            name = self.get_input_data(self.name_field, input_msg)  
            **if not** name:  
if not name:raise CommandError('%s cannot be blank.' % capfirst(verbose_domain_field_name))
    **except** KeyboardInterrupt:  
        self.stderr.write(**"\nOperation cancelled."**)  

    **except** NotRunningInTTYException:  
            **"Domain creation skipped due to not running in a TTY. "** )

    **if** domain **and** name:  
        domain_data = {  
            **'domain'**: domain,  
            **'name'**: name,  
        **if** options[**'verbosity'**] >= 1:  
            self.stdout.write(**"Domain created successfully."**)

**def** get_input_data(self, field, message, default=**None**):  
    Override this method if you want to customize data inputs or  
    validation exceptions.  
    """_ raw_value = input(message)  
    **if** default **and** raw_value == **''**:  
        raw_value = default  
        val = field.clean(raw_value, **None**)  
    **except** exceptions.ValidationError **as** e:  
        self.stderr.write(**"Error: %s"** % **'; '**.join(e.messages))  
        val = **None**
return val

It’s simply taking user input and creating a record in Domain model. The code is similar to the one Django itself uses to create super user (i.e. createsuperuser).

You can run the following command in CLI to create a domain:

python createdomain

Creating Middleware to Detect Current Domain:

So far we’ve created a model to define domain names, and a CLI command to add records in it. We plan to isolate data on each domains. To do so, first we need to let our Django app know which domain is currently accessing the app. That’s a job for a middleware. Let’s create one.

Create a file in domain app, with the content below:

from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin
class CurrentDomainMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin):def process_request(self, request):from .models import Domainrequest.domain = Domain.objects.get_current(request)

This might not make any sense at this point, that’s because we’re actually doing the actual job of detecting domain in domains/ for efficiency reasons.

In domains/ create a custom Managerclass as below:

from django.db import modelsfrom django.http.request import split_domain_port
class DomainManager(models.Manager):use_in_migrations = True
def _get_domain_by_id(self, domain_id):if domain_id not in DOMAINS_CACHE:domain = self.get(pk=domain_id)DOMAINS_CACHE[domain_id] = domainreturn DOMAINS_CACHE[domain_id]
**def** _get_domain_by_request(self, request):  
    host = request.get_host()  
        **if** host **not in** DOMAINS_CACHE:  
            DOMAINS_CACHE[host] = self.get(domain__iexact=host)  
        **return** DOMAINS_CACHE[host]  
    **except** Domain.DoesNotExist:  
        domain, port = split_domain_port(host)  
        **if** domain **not in** DOMAINS_CACHE:  
            DOMAINS_CACHE[domain] = self.get(domain__iexact=domain)  
        **return** DOMAINS_CACHE[domain]

**def** get_current(self, request=**None**, domain_id=**None**):  
    **if** domain_id:  
        **return** self._get_domain_by_id(domain_id)  
    **elif** request:  
        **return** self._get_domain_by_request(request)

**def** clear_cache(self):  
    **global** DOMAINS_CACHE  

**def** get_by_natural_key(self, domain):  
    **return** self.get(domain=domain)

Next step? Use this class in Domain model.

objects = DomainManager()

Don’t forget to add this middleware path, domains.middleware.CurrentDomainMiddleware in my case, to MIDDLEWARE in

We’re almost there. All we’ve done so far will give us Domain object attached to each request. You can access it by request.domain anywhere request is available. Let’s test it.

Put it to Test:

Create another app python startapp polls and add it to INSTALLED_APPS in Create any models you want in this app, just add a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField in it named domain or domains respectively.

Register the model(s) in as well, but don’t keep domain or domains field editable. We’ll be assigning these fields automatically while saving the model. We’ll also be using currently active domain to filter records. This is how I’ve done it:

from django.db import models
from domains.models import Domain

class Poll(models.Model):
    content = models.CharField(max_length=256)
    domain = models.ForeignKey(Domain, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.content

class PollOption(models.Model):
    poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='poll_options')
    value = models.CharField(max_length=256)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.value
from django.contrib import admin
from polls.models import PollOption, Poll
class PollOptionInline(admin.TabularInline):
    model = PollOption
    fields = ('value',)
    extra = 1

class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = (PollOptionInline,)
    fields = ('content', 'domain',)
    readonly_fields = ('domain',)
    def get_queryset(self, request):
        qs = Poll.objects.filter(domain=request.domain)
        ordering = self.get_ordering(request)
        if ordering:
            qs = qs.order_by(*ordering)
        return qs
    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        obj.domain = request.domain
        return super().save_model(request, obj, form, change), PollAdmin)

That’s it! You may now create any many domains/subdomains as you want and each one of them will have access to only the polls created within that environment.

Checkout the GitHub project with complete code here:

What Else Can You Do?

What I just created is very basic as the purpose of this tutorial was to show how multiple domains can be handled in a single Django app. You can use the above approaches to create more complex apps.

For example, you can create an app in which each super admin user have access to their own domain, and nothing else — similar to “white-labeling” requirement I mentioned above.

You can create apps with single back-end panel and multiple front-end. For example, a news website with multiple domains/subdomains for multiple categories. Such website might require having some of the news articles on a single domain, and some of them on multiple domains. Instead of creating multiple apps, all of them could be managed from a single codebase and admin panel.

You can even combine both of the solutions above to create subdomains for each entity, with support for dynamically created domains. You can use this approach to modify view permissions, authentication, accessible records, and few other things based on currently active domain. Let us know what you’d use it for in your comments below.

Was this tutorial helpful? If you found any error or difficulty following it, let me know in the comments below.

Thanks to William Wickey for help editing.